Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So picture this....
I am taking my dogs on a run at the beach. The sun is warm on my face and there is a nice breeze. Trust me when I say that I looked like the girls running on Baywatch. I was not wearing the bathing suits like they do but i was running with my head held high and the wind in my hair. It was a great run. I was finally smiling for the first time that day. The dogs were running right beside me and they were loving the breeze in their faces. I ran about a mile enjoying myself....UNTIL....I realized I no longer had my keys in my pocket. I began to panic because I was running the beach at low tide. I knew I only had a hour or hour and half to find my keys in the multitude of sand before the high tide came in and I could not longer walk the path I had run. I began to backtrack my run. More time went by and I still could not find my keys. I called my parents to keep me calm in this new developed storm in my life. I know that you are thinking "Its only keys." You are right...my PROGRAMED car key (we only had one, no spare key), my house key (no spare key hidden anywhere outside my home), and a couple more keys that are not that important. I search and search the sand. I looked for 3 hours and no keys. The sun went down, the high tide came in, and the nice breeze turned into a cold bitter wind. I then knew I would never see my keys again. I walked back to my house with my head down and the dogs were tired. Without my house key, I could not get into my house. I checked all the windows, but knew they were locked. I had locked all of the windows when Tyrel left town so no one could break into my home. I never thought that I would need to break into my own home. But, sure enough, I grabbed the grill cleaner handle and busted my back door window. So, now I have a trash bag over my window, a big chunk of money missing out of my bank account for 2 programmed keys and soon a new window. All this for a run on the beach. A life lesson that emptied my pockets in all accounts. lol. Yesterday I laughed at my stupid mistakes, today I can post them and now you can laugh at my stupid mistakes. I hope I brought a smile to your face. Even in my storm, God never left and He is with me now while I laugh at myself. I am thankful for a husband that can laugh with me while we are apart.


  1. You did a great job telling this story. I felt so bad for you during all of this. I am glad that you can already laugh at this. You are such a trooper.

  2. I agree with Randi! You're amazing, even through the tears! And, Baywatch running!!! LOL!!! You always make me laugh! Glad you're laughing and glad you have extra keys!
