Monday, March 23, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASON!!!!! Tyrel and I love you more then you know. You are a blessing to us!!!!

It has been a few days since I have posted anything, but I have been busy spending time with Tyrel. We had an amazing trip home to Texas. We loved seeing the family. It was a trip that answered a lot of my prayers. Tyrel and I thank God so much for giving us a wonderful family full of love. Once we got back to Virginia we have spent every waking moment possible together. Besides work, we have hung out as much as possible. It has been wonderful. Tyrel left today for the field and will be gone all week. I have already talked to him a couple of times today, their bus driver got lost so that gave us a chance to talk before he has to put his cell phone away for the week. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Full of Joy: Full of Sadness

Tyrel made it HOME yesterday!!!! Whahoooo!!!! It was wonderful hanging out with him last night. We ordered pizza and sat on the couch for a few hours just cuddling. It was so nice to have him in the house again. Its like getting to know the person again that you know so well....i know that is a funny statement, but what an exciting adventure. We didnt talk much because we were both litterly exsausted and just enjoyed being in each others prescene. My heart is overwhelmed with joy right now. He had to go into work today and I will be headed into work this evening. It was hard telling him bye this morning for the day, even though I know I will see him tonight. lol. Even though I am full of joy my heart is also full of saddness today. My mom is at the hospital in out-patient surgery this morning recieving her port for the chemo and then this afternoon she will have her first round of chemo. As you read on Randi's blog the time line of her treatment, mom will have 16 weeks of chemo, then surgey and then 6 and half weeks of radiation. This road is a long one. I have and have had peace and understanding within me since this last weekend. The little time I spoke with Suzy Jeffrey at church was such a blessing. Her words were words of understanding and encouragement. God knew I needed to speak with her and when I was done talking to her I was renewed and had the strength to move ahead. God is so good. He always sends you the words and people that will reboost your soul. I am also, strengthened by my husband. He has learned more about me while going through this and he is so sweet and tenderhearted towards me. And trust me when I say that can be VERY tough at times when I let my emotions speak through me. I am not always the nicest person. lol Tyrel and I are ready to fight this cancer as a team united. He helps me strive to be a better daughter with more understanding. I cant tell you in words how grateful to God I am. God knows the overwhelming joy in my heart to have Tyrel by my side as we stand behind my parents cheering them on with encouragement, laughter, tears, and open ears to listen with. My heart is heavy today for my parents as they begin a long tough, grueling journey for them physically, but my heart is also at complete peace knowing that God was, is and always will be there for them. This journey, as tough as it is, is small in comparison to God's power and love. Thank you all for your prayers for Tyrel's homecoming and thank you all for praying for my parents.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tyrel's Homecoming!!!!!

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!!! My wonderful, loving, funny, man of God Husband is coming home form Cuba. Words do not say how excited I am to see his face, but let me tell you that I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!! I have been counting down the days and tomorrow is almost here. Please pray for his safe journey home. He will get in tomorrow night and have to stay on base for a few hours, but no complaining because I get to bring him home with me tomorrow night. I have already been telling the dogs that he is coming home. Lexie knows his name and runs to the door waiting for him to walk through it. Ruger looks a little confused but he will learn quickly who Tyrel is. I have put up a huge Welcome Home sign up and took a break from cleaning so I can share with everyone my excitement. Please pray that our reunion is a blessed one and everything goes smoothly on base so that he can come home with me without the burden of work. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Praise God!!!

So, most of you know that all my mom's tests this week have come back clear. The cancer is only in her left breast and 3 lymph nodes on her left side. Her CT Scan and bone scan came back clear and what a blessing. God is so good. My mom meets with the Oncologist and Surgeon on Monday and will discuss treatment. You can read my mom and my sister's blog with how our journey is going. I am not a gifted writer like the 2 of them and I want everyone I know to be blessed by their words as I am. Please read how the Lord is wonderful and how He is working in all our lives. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.